Thursday, October 18, 2012

RA Reflection

I believe I deserve an A on my rhetorical analysis because I did make an insightful claim about what makes the article persuasive and not persuasive. I identified various rhetorical tools and fallacies used while carefully explaining each one. I focused on how the author created an effect on the audience rather than summarizing and reverting to personal opinions. My analysis was well written and I blended my quotes effectively. My analysis was unified because each paragraph supported my thesis. Transitions sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph were effective and each paragraph had a focused analysis based on my topic sentence. If I had another chance, I would go into a little more depth with each analysis. I believe I did a fair job, but I think I could have expounded upon it a little more to bring the reader to the same page I was on. My biggest challenge with this paper was talking about a specific audience. I didn't know how to incorporate a more specific audience and relate the author's tools to how they would effect them specifically. I found a way though, and I believe I did a decent job of it. My greatest strength, I believe, is identifying rhetorical tools the author used. I found plenty of examples of devices Malcom Gladwell used, such as irony and juxtaposition as well as various fallacious arguments including false dilemma, oversimplification, red herring, and straw person. I included these and explained their effectiveness versus the author's intent.

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